500 Stories

Over 10 years, around 1000 stories have happened, all different yet shared many of the same struggles and strengths

Based on the 10 years of conversations, we will now create (we hope) 500 curated stories.

These stories will mix from Autism to Menopause, Dyslexia, PCOS, Anxiety, Disability, ADHD, our neurodiversities, endocrinology (hormones) and so much more.  yet common threads to many of us shall be highlighted to help change many misconceptions we have

The Hope is to take a phenomenological approach to how the stories are both created and shown

  • Phenomenology is a research or philosophical method focused on understanding and describing subjective experiences and the meaning individuals give to them.
  • It involves exploring the first-person perspective and aims to uncover the essence of a particular phenomenon or lived experience.
  • Researchers in phenomenology set aside preconceived assumptions or theoretical frameworks and approach the subject matter with an open and unbiased mindset.
  • The goal is to grasp the subjective reality as experienced by individuals, without imposing external interpretations or judgments.
  • Phenomenological inquiry uses techniques like deep listening, in-depth interviews, and careful observation to gather rich and detailed descriptions of people’s experiences.
  • Researchers aim to capture sensory perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and the contextual aspects of the experience.
  • The approach seeks to gain a deep understanding of the subjective world of individuals and explore the commonalities and variations within their experiences.
  • Phenomenology can be applied in various fields, including psychology, sociology, healthcare, and philosophy.
  • It provides insights into human consciousness, perception, and the meaning attributed to experiences.
  • By employing a phenomenological approach, researchers can uncover lived experiences, challenge assumptions, and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of human existence and the diverse ways people engage with the world.